Session: Pega-Led
Fast, Innovative, & Repeatable COE-led Delivery at Deutsche Telekom with Blueprint
Date and Location
June 10, 2024, 2:15PM - 3:00PM PDT
Chairman's Ballroom 359
Daniel WenzelSVP Design AuthoritiesDeutsche Telekom
Matthew HealyDirector, Product Strategy & MarketingPegasystems
Transformational workflow automation initiatives have pitfalls around every corner: missed requirements, misalignment, delays.
What Daniel Wenzel, SVP Design Authorities at Deutsche Telekom, has found.. is that all the most successful digital transformation projects have 1 thing in common: A Blueprint.
Hear how Daniel and his COE are using Pega GenAI Blueprint to change the way business & IT are collaborating to envision & deliver new automation projects.