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Data Sheet | PDF

Pega Securities Exceptions for Financial Markets


Custodians, broker-dealers, and other securities firms find they must now invest in smarter and more flexible systems to resolve exceptions and customer inquiries quickly. Providing timely, cost-effective resolution to securities exceptions — which generate significant cost and risk — is more challenging than ever.


Pega Securities Exceptions for Financial Markets simplifies securities exception operations by managing investigations throughout their lifecycle, aligning dayto- day work to strategic goals and client expectations. Using Pega, custodians, brokers-dealers, and other Financial Markets companies can conduct exception operations more efficiently, increasing profitability and the quality of the client experience.

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El diseño de aplicaciones, revolucionado

Optimice el diseño del flujo de trabajo, rápidamente, con el poder de Pega GenAI Blueprint™. Configure su visión y vea cómo se genera su flujo de trabajo en el acto.

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