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Software Robots

Know your software bots

Get all the bot benefits without getting burned.

The bots are coming. Software robots, that is. Purpose-built and quick to deploy, these tiny technology powerhouses can make a big impact… if you know what you’re doing.

"A bot is a tool in a toolkit. Companies need to apply these tools as part of an orchestrated action, not in isolation."

Unlock insights and work smarter

Are your employees still fighting their way through obstacles that make every task take twice as long? Maybe they’re using a tired application that should have been phased out last year. Or copying and pasting needlessly. Or going back and re-learning something they’ve already been trained on.

As budgets fall and demands rise, you’ll need to find – and solve – the obstacles that sink your team’s productivity. Fortunately, there’s a software bot for that.

Pega’s workforce intelligence bots capture the day in the life of an employee, understanding the nature and the impact of the challenges they face and honing in on how they can do their best work.

More than insights, these software bots empower you to take action and get results. Whether it’s assigning repetitive work to a personal bot or allowing managers to provide coaching, you’ll build a team that’s not just efficient, but excellent.

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Automate manual tasks that impede productivity.


Learn how workforce intelligence data impacts digital transformation.

Boost employee productivity

Imagine getting 30 minutes of your day back to use as you see fit. Now multiply that by everyone on your team. What could you accomplish with that kind of productivity boost?

To take this scenario from fantasy to reality, think personal bots. They automate those repetitive tasks that drain minutes out of every day – signing into systems, looking up data, copying and pasting – so your employees can focus on what matters.

When it comes to getting ROI fast, you can’t beat Pega’s software bots. They only take a few weeks to deploy, and you’ll be reaping the productivity benefits for years to come.

Automate processes fast and fearlessly

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a buzzword for a reason. Deployed as part of an end-to-end strategy, it cuts costs and drives operational excellence. Think 300%+ ROI in 12 months.

For results like that, you’ll need to deploy the right bots in the right way. As McKinsey points out, “Installing thousands of bots has taken a lot longer and is more complex than most had hoped it would be.” Roll out RPA without a plan, and you’ll soon be facing a chaos of Franken-bots that you can’t manage, accessing your data without governance.

Instead, pick an RPA technology that comes with a broad set of automation capabilities, including rules management and advanced process orchestration with intelligence baked in. Listen to McKinsey and start your automation with customer outcomes in mind. How? Perhaps you could check out the industry leader in digital process automation. (Hint: You’re already here.)

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Robotic process automation

Video Series

Get up to speed on RPA best practices and start reaping the benefits.

Intelligent virtual assistant

Product Detail

Give customers and employees consistent and continuous experiences.

Take your chatbots beyond chit-chat

Congratulations! You have a chatbot. The thing is, so does everyone else. And if all yours can do is ask customers how their day went, answer basic questions, and re-direct them to your contact center, you’ve done little more than build a science experiment.

On the other hand, if you want to stand out from competitors and drive real, meaningful engagement, Pega’s Intelligent Virtual Assistant is the answer.

Evolve your chatbot and other virtual assistants beyond simple banter and data fetching. Instead, create sophisticated, intelligent robot agents that can do much more. Anticipate users’ needs. Make smart suggestions. Complete complex tasks. Provide exceptional experiences. Whether on Facebook chat, Amazon Alexa, or beyond, that’s a bot your customers will be happy to talk to.

Send awesome emails, not auto-replies

We love to talk about the latest digital tech, but it’s safe to say your organization still gets a lot of email. And you have employees spending hours each day reading, routing, and responding to those requests.

Sure, there are tools that claim to help you manage your emails, but they do little more than basic triage. Or worse, they use static auto-responses that deliver a one-dimensional experience and make your customers feel like, well, a number.

Pega’s Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Email does the heavy lifting for you. It automatically detects the intent of the email, picks up relevant information (like an account number), and automates the processing. The result? Higher-quality, more engaging emails sent in less time.

Because your people have better things to do than check email all day. And your customers definitely deserve better than an auto-reply.

Make email work for you

An efficient and agile organization that also provides great customer experiences needs three things all working in harmony: end-to-end automation, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation (RPA).

Make software bots work harder so employees can work smarter

Robotic Automation

Change how work gets done.


Next Best Action

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Case Lifecycle Management

Build better. Build for the customer first.


Workforce Intelligence

Make confident, data-driven decisions.

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