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Vídeo | 04:15

The State of Maine Embraces the Pega Cloud to Optimize Citizen Services

The Business Issue

The State of Maine serves 1.3M residents that rely on services from the state's 14 government agencies, which employ over 13,000 workers. Hampered by redundant systems that created paper-based processes, the State of Maine needed to transform and digitalize their key processes to continue to provide outstanding citizen service for which they are known for.

The Solution

The State of Maine chose the Pega Platform to transform citizen services. Maine strategically predicated their transformation project on the Pega Cloud. Using the cloud, Maine increased development productivity up to 90% and has enabled them to stand-up system environments in hour's verses months. Furthermore, with Pega, time-to-market for business applications has shrunk from years to hours and empowered them to create the concept of the "40 Hour Application".

The Results

  • Improved work efficiency from 40 days to 4 hours
  • Increased development productivity up to 90%
  • Reduced time-to-market from years to hours
  • Reduced system set-up time from months to hours


- [Narrator] Maine's 1.3 million residents rely on service from the state's 14 government agencies, which employ over 13,000 workers. Excellent citizen service however, was hampered by antiquated and siloed systems.

- At the state of Maine, we look at systems like licensing systems, imaging systems. So we built 5, 6, 7 times. So we get through the idea that instead of what we do today, let's build once and have many uses in the agencies.

- We have paper-based processies now that require people to touch that piece of paper or that work or physically move it from desk to desk. And each step along the way, there's an opportunity there for error or mistake or misplacement.

- [Narrator] The state of Maine, chose the Pega platform to improve citizen service.

- The platform is flexible, it's expandable. We can do new things with it. We're not gonna have a thousand technologies that people need to support it.

- We use technology to reduce operational silos by essentially collecting all of the processes across the state and distilling them into a foundation of a common process that everyone can use.

- The One Maine solution is this idea that we should start to converge towards a single user interface that has one username, one password, and speaks to one dataset, so that we can start to move away from the hundreds of silos.

- One Maine is really about reusing components that have been built so that we're able to deliver faster, more efficiently. What we're talking about is consistent, look and feel and operation, in the way that you shouldn't need a user manual to use a system.

- That's a good example of that is a licensure. And we want to develop a much easier, smoother, more efficient system that is transferable.

- From an efficiency point of view, and the agencies, we had one example where we had an unemployment process. We call it block claims. We've reduced that by automating the process. So we've gone from 40 days to four hours. The important thing there is now the citizen is getting better service.

- [Narrator] The State of Maine utilized Pega Cloud powered by Amazon Web Services to faster develop, deploy, and run their applications.

- The advantages of using Pega cloud is that we get to create environments for applications very quickly, and that we're able to really start development and keep it much more flexible throughout the entire process. As applications are rolling out, the returns are going from weeks to days in a lot of our processes.

- It'll be useful for every agency in that we can save time and money, both in development and in terms of users.

- Setting up a test system for us, if we do an internally, it might take six months, or we can do it in hours and through a Pega Cloud, and it's just that transformational.

- The Pega platform allows us to look at a piece of development worker functionality that was built and then have individual agencies evaluate it and see where it fits into their, their need. It's the ability to, to reapply it, that is, you know, the real differentiator.

- On speed to development, Pegasystems allows us to build things once, build them quickly, always seeing gains of 70, 80, 90%. There's so many areas within state government, we come in and say, you see that manual process, in 40 hours we're going to change that process for you. And that gets them so excited because everybody has the frustration of doing the two, the three, four year project that may not end up where you want.

- With Pega it's all transparent. Everyone gets cases to their work baskets. People know when they need to do work. And the resolution has gone from six weeks to a day or two.

- [Narrator] With Pega the State of Maine is delivering better and faster services to their citizens. Our world is constantly changing. Only Pega lets you build for change.

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