Case Study
Unum: Digital transformation on a shoestring
Automated triage on all customer emails
Full-on commitment to robotic process automation
Low-code implementation of 50 automations
The Business Issue
Unum, a U.S.-based insurance company focused primarily on employee benefits - disability, life, dental, and vision insurance - insures nearly 30 million families in the U.S, U.K., and Poland. Unum also ranks number one in the individual disability market in the U.S.
The company housed 800 different applications on several separate mainframes, making staff training and engagement an ongoing challenge. For the most part, Unum’s back office operations relied on an email-based process. Incoming messages were intercepted by staff whose primary job was triage, trying to figure out the intent of the message and then creating a work item in SharePoint.
Unum processed approximately 1.3 million policies per calendar year using this 100% manual methodology - all without IT support or automation.
The Solution
Unum approached Pega to overhaul back office processes - but unlike many Pega customers, Unum didn’t just dip toes into the robotics water. The company dove into the deep end, starting full on with Pega Robotic Process Automation™ (RPA) and desktop automation.
Using Pega RPA, Unum built a desktop automation allowing staff to search across all 15-25 applications used to service calls, gathering data needed to deliver effective customer service. The company also created “headless” process automations to analyze emails. Those automations replace the manual back office email process, analyzing and routing emails to appropriate systems of record to be leveraged throughout operations.
At the height of its journey, Unum had 50 low-code, robotic process automations in development.
The Results
Unum’s RPA and desktop automations provide staff with essential tools to manage complex insurance and financial processes while providing effective customer service. With Pega’s cloud-first solutions in place, the company gained:
- Backoffice solution up and running in just 12 weeks
- Fully automated tracking and systematic prioritization
- Hassle-free, effective support for customers’ employees
- 13% improvement in productivity per team member
Related Resources
PegaWorld Video
Unum implements Pega Natural Language Processing to support large contact center.
Pega low code app development
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