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Presentation | PDF | 30 Pagine

PegaWorld iNspire 2023: Enterprise low code in a modular landscape. How Rabobank builds for the future with Pega (Presentation)

The technical landscape of Rabobank is changing at a high pace. To keep up with customer and employee demand for cutting-edge applications that help achieve their goals, Rabobank developed a componentized architecture and organizational structure to create speed, autonomy, and agility at scale. In this breakout, they will describe not only their concept for modular enterprise reuse but also their philosophy behind it. Rabobank will also detail what they see working and how Pega software is supporting their fast-paced architecture and organizational design.

PegaWorld iNspire 2023: Enterprise low code in a modular landscape. How Rabobank builds for the future with Pega (Presentation)

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