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PegaWorld | 47:14

Siemens and Pega on the way to global end-to-end digitization

Digitization poses great challenges for everyone. Siemens is one of the world's largest industrial manufacturers and a leading international technology company. Digitization is at the top of the strategic agenda, as part of the “Vision 2020+” program. The partnership with Pega supports Siemens on its way into the digital world. The two companies have successfully realized 20 projects together - Global Master Data Management, Order Management, Cash Collection, and Generic Workflow Self-Services to name a few. Real outcomes include 50% - 60% reductions in process cycle times, reduced IT and maintenance costs, and more. Over 30,000 Siemens employees are already using Pega solutions.

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La progettazione delle app, rivoluzionata

Ottimizza la progettazione dei flussi di lavoro, in modo rapido, con la potenza di Pega GenAI Blueprint™. Imposta la tua visione e assisti alle creazione istantanea del tuo flusso di lavoro.

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