Data Sheet | PDF | 2 Seiten
Pega Sales Automation and AI
Your traditional Sales Force Automation system is not living up to the promise of helping your reps generate more revenue, or in providing accurate forecasts to management. Why? Because you are reacting to data buried in activity logs and looking at reports that don’t isolate problems and deliver coaching in real time.
The use of artificial intelligence in sales force automation changes the paradigm of sales and sales coaching from reactive to proactive, and from instinct-driven to insight and data-driven. Pega’s AI constantly learns from what works, what doesn’t work, and self-optimizes so that guidance to reps, agents and managers continually improves.
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App-Design völlig neu gedachtOptimieren Sie mit Pega GenAI Blueprint™ blitzschnell Ihr Workflow-Design. Legen Sie Ihre Vision fest und erleben Sie, wie Ihr Workflow umgehend erstellt wird.