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PegaWorld iNspire 2023: How AGL Energy uses Pega Customer Decision Hub to Transform Customer Relationships

Delivering true one-to-one customer experiences to drive commercial success is the holy grail for any customer-focused organization.

Find out how AGL Energy Ltd. has reshaped its people, processes, and mindset to fully leverage the power of Pega Customer Decision Hub™ across 10+ connected inbound and outbound decisioning channels – effectively strengthening customer relationships as well as achieving commercial goals. With improved speed to market by more than 200%, in market opportunities scaling by more than 500%, and a five-fold improvement in marketing engagement, AGL is now redefining what good looks like.


Industry: 公益事業 Industry: 公益事業 トピック: PegaWorld トピック: カスタマーエンゲージメント トピック: パーソナライズされた顧客体験 製品エリア: Customer Decision Hub 課題: カスタマーエンゲージメント


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