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Podcast season 3 recap: Future of Operations

Paula White-Jennings ,
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The Future of Operations is transforming the way operations teams approach cybersecurity, skills gaps, resilient operation models, and more. Disruption is inevitable, but the experts in this season of Bold Stories. Future Focused. are here to share their perspectives and ideas, and promote discussion and action for the future of work.

Podcast host, Francis Carden (VP of Intelligent Automation and Robotics, Pegasystems), sat down with tech experts and influencers who shared their perspectives and experiences with new operations models, the future of cybersecurity, how resiliency promotes innovation, and more. Check out the recap below!

Episode 1: Reversing the top-down operations model with Kieran Gilmurray and Shelly Kramer

Disruption in tech is inevitable because it defines generations and promotes innovation. As each disruptive event happens, humans work hard to collaborate, adapt, and grow.

Kieran Gilmurray, Global Automation Lead for Cybersecurity at Rapid7, talks with Francis Carden about how the top-down operations model for digital transformation an organization-wide effort, not a daunting task that’s placed on IT alone. Digital transformation impacts all teams and individuals and successful modernization efforts rely on support and collaboration from the entire business.

“…the days of actually digitally transforming an organization isn’t a technology problem as much as a change management, a communication, or a vision that involves everybody in the team and everybody playing their part in the organization to make things happen.”

And, in order to sustain operations, it’s important for operations leaders to hire employees who possess both the hard and soft skills required to contribute to a company’s growth as well as a company’s culture. It’s one thing to attract talent, but another to retain talent. Especially in this hybrid working landscape where people rely on technology to both stay connected and build great products and services. It’s the people who make or break a company’s success.

“…the reality of it is if you want to attract talent, and if you want to retain talent, you have to listen to what it is the workforce is telling you and what it is they want and need. […] I think there’s a danger in not understanding that and not embracing change in some way.”

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April 5, 2022 | 20 MINS

Episode 1: Reversing the top-down operations model with Kieran Gilmurray and Shelly Kramer

To keep up with the speed of disruption, businesses need to embrace adaptability and leaders need to gain customer-focused perspective. Join digital transformation expert Kieran Gilmurray and senior analyst Shelly Kramer as they discuss what a disrupted, change-focused operations model has already started to look like.

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Episode 2: Outsmarting the future of cybersecurity with Jody R. Westby and Katryna Dow

Data is absolutely everywhere you look. Any time you go on your computer or phone, shop at the grocery store or online, etc., you’re generating data. Tech makes data so easy to collect and distribute, making people vulnerable to hackers looking for personal data.

Operations leaders are taking action to protect against cybersecurity threats to their company data and personal employee information. Jody R. Westby, CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC, talks about how leaders who prioritize and deliver on security efforts are viewed as more reliable and trustworthy for clients, partners, and potential hires. This is becoming a marketable and valued trait for any type of organization.

“…companies will learn that security and trust are marketplace features. That’s a competitive advantage. When you can get a message on the marketplace that you are a trusted resource, I think that is going to start carrying more water, and maybe it’ll get you lower insurance premiums…”

Katryna Dow, Founder and CEO of Meeco, ramps up the discussion on cybersecurity by questioning organizations’ readiness to either proactively support security initiatives or wait until forced to participate. This sets the tone for our podcast listeners to take action and protect customers everywhere.

“[The] question is, I think, for organizations, ‘What side of history do you want to be on? Do you want to be helping customers have better digital experiences? Or do you want to wait until you’re forced to do that?’”

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APR 12, 2022 | 25 MINS

Episode 2: Are humans at the heart of digital transformation? ft. Alex Andrenacci and Ralph Thompson

A secure cyber future demands thinking ahead of the standard regulations. Tech moves faster than the law – and hackers work faster than both. Listen as Jody R. Westby, CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC, and Katryna Dow, founder and CEO of personal data platform Meeco, recommend smarter approaches to crafting cybersecurity protections.

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Episode 3: The real impact of resilient operations with Richard Seline

In this episode, Francis Carden talks about resiliency in the future of operations with Richard Seline, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Resilience Innovation Hub. Richard explains that anything and everything can change in a single moment and what’s most important for operations leaders is what they do before and after the change has occurred.

Resilient operations leaders know to prepare for potential disruption as well as how to keep their teams going in the aftermath. Change is scary and uncertain, so resiliency is key to convince others that precautions and practices must happen because not everyone within an organization is going to agree or trust what’s on the other side of change. It’s important to arm organizations with the proper solutions and tools to support their employees, clients, partners, and beyond.

“…the reality is that we now need to be truly realistic, but that reality doesn’t come with solutions and answers that now are available. Operations folks have a hard time fighting against internal perception, or shareholder value, or markets […] this is not going to work if we keep doing it this way. We need to equip the operations folks with all the tools that allow them to say we are going to have to pivot.”

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APR 19, 2022 | 25 MINS

Episode 3: The real impact of resilient operations with Richard Seline

How do we ensure we’re prepared for whatever environmental threats may impact how we do business in the future? Listen as Richard Seline, co-founder of the Resilience Innovation Hub, talks about the importance of having proactive operations measures in place to be ready for anything.

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Episode 4: Innovating operations within a skills chasm with Yael Kaufmann, Stacy Cline, and Bob Chapman

Based on the title of this episode, it must be difficult to imagine how anyone can innovate within a chasm. How can anyone innovate if there are limited amounts of skilled individuals around to make it happen? This is what operations leaders are faced with because the workforce is struggling to keep up with the skills that are the most in-demand.

Yael Kaufmann, Co-Founder & COO at Learn In, talks about how we need to do what we can with what we have to overcome rapidly-growing global issues. There’s no doubt that a gap exists, but that doesn’t mean that we should give up or give in because these problems aren’t going to resolve themselves.

“The skills gap is large and growing. Any number of these problems we’re talking about, climate change or what have you, these are large problems, and they are growing and they are not going anywhere. We have to figure out how to solve them faster with less resources…”

Operations leaders need approach hiring and retention from new and innovative angles. Stacy Cline, Senior Director of Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability at GoDaddy, is always adjusting to best support her data center teams as they monitor greenhouse gas emissions from the company’s data centers. The best way to manage emissions is to have both teams (the data center team monitoring emissions and employees working in the data center) really work to understand each other in order to make actionable plans and realistic changes.

“So it’s really joining forces with teams, understanding what they have going on, and then presenting these options and this new work as a solution to what they’re already doing.”

Bob Chapman, Chairman & CEO of Barry-Wehmiller, also reminds listeners that as the skills landscape continues to adjust with different technological advances, we should take this as a sign to focus on developing other interests and skills that enable us to embrace what makes us human. Bob talks about how embracing automation and progress can challenge us to grow in new ways and give us time to become better and happier people.

“We want everybody every day walking in saying, ‘How can we be better? How can we create a better future for each other?’ I think automation is an extremely positive way of sharing meaningful information that empowers us to do better things in the future…”

Pega Podcast season 2 logo

APR 26, 2022 | 26 MINS

Episode 4: Innovating operations within a skills chasm with Yael Kaufmann, Stacy Cline, and Bob Chapman

How can operations leaders keep loyal talent motivated when the skills gap keeps evolving? Yael Kaufmann, co-founder, and COO of LearnIn, Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry Wehmiller, and Stacy Cline, Senior Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability at GoDaddy share how they’re facing this issue.

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Bold stories. Future focused.

When business changes, it challenges us – and necessarily so. Listen in as our hosts uncover what success looks like when innovative minds rise to new challenges and excel in the face of change.


Thema: Digitale Transformation

Über die Verfasserin

Paula White-Jennings, is a creatively-driven and organized professional brand marketer with experience in marketing and brand strategy alike. Paula is also the producer of Pega’s successful podcast, “Bold stories. Future focused.” Maintaining her passion for being a change agent, Paula is a founding member of the Black@Pega Employee Resource Group and has spent the past year and a half building out their social impact footprint within the surrounding communities.

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Kieran Gilmurray Global Automation Lead for Cybersecurity at Rapid7

For almost 3 decades Kieran Gilmurray (MBA, MSc, BSc., PG Dip) has helped businesses drive business and technology transformation programs using digital technologies. He does what he teaches, and he practices what he preaches. He has spoken on international stage and won copies industry business and technology awards. Kieran is passionate about technology and how it can help business and society transform. His work generated tens of millions of dollars of value.

Shelly Kramer Headshot
Shelly Kramer President of Broadsuite Media Group

Shelly Kramer is a founding partner and Senior Analyst at Futurum Research, and the President of Broadsuite Media Group, one of our sister companies. A serial entrepreneur with a technology centric focus, she has worked with some of the world’s largest brands to lead them into the digital space, embrace disruption, understand the reality of the connected customer, and help navigate the process of Digital Transformation. As a brand strategist and DX expert, she has decades of experience helping global companies with marketing challenges, driving strategy and digital transformation for B2B brands across multiple verticals. She is a regular on the conference circuit and a sought-after speaker on all topics related to Digital Transformation. The industries Shelly covers include Cybersecurity, RPA/Intelligent Automation, Collaboration, transformative trends across all industries, customer experience, as well as topics and trends related to the Future of Work, the transformation of the workplace and how people and technology are driving that transformation. A transplanted New Yorker, she has learned to love life in the Midwest, and has firsthand experience that some of the most innovative minds and most successful companies in the world also happen to live in “flyover country.”

Jody R. Westby
Jody R. Westby CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC

Drawing upon a unique combination of more than twenty years of technical, legal, policy, and business experience, Ms. Westby founded Global Cyber Risk LLC (GCR) in 2000. GCR provides first-tier advisory and technical services to organizations in the areas of cyber governance, privacy, cybersecurity, incident response, and digital asset inventories and data mapping. Her team has deep expertise in cybersecurity risk assessments against best practices and standards, including industrial control and SCADA systems used in manufacturing, utility grids, and critical infrastructure sectors. Ms. Westby also is a professional blogger for Forbes and writes a regular column for Leader’s Edge magazine on cybersecurity issues.

Ms. Westby is a member of the bars of the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, and Colorado. She serves as chair of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Privacy and Computer Crime Committee (Science & Technology Law Section) and co-chair of the Cybercrime Committee (Criminal Justice Section) and has served four terms on the ABA President’s Cybersecurity Task Force. She co-chaired the World Federation of Scientists’ (WFS) Permanent Monitoring Panel on Information Security and served on the ITU Secretary-General’s High Level Experts Group on Cybersecurity.

Ms. Westby is the author of seven books, all published by the American Bar Association. Her latest publication, D&O Guide to Cyber Governance: Fiduciary Duties in the Digital Age, builds on her 15 years of experience in the governance of cyber risks and widely recognized series of governance surveys and reports. Ms. Westby led the development of the International Toolkit on Cybercrime Legislation and was editor and co-author of the 2010 UN publication, The Quest for Cyber Peace.

Katryna Dow
Katryna Dow Founder and CEO of Meeco

Katryna Dow is the founder and CEO of Meeco; a personal data & distributed ledger platform that enables people to securely exchange data via the API-of-Me with the people and organizations they trust. Katryna has been pioneering personal data rights since 2002, when she envisioned a time when personal sovereignty, identity and contextual privacy would be as important as being connected. Now within the context of GDPR and Open Banking, distributed ledger, cloud, AI and IoT have converged to make Meeco both possible and necessary.

Katryna has been consecutively named as one of the Top 100 Identity Influencers. She is the co-author of the blockchain identity paper ‘Immutable Me’ and co-author/co-architect of Meeco’s distributed ledger solution and technical White Paper on Zero Knowledge Proofs for Access, Control, Delegation and Consent of Identity and Personal Data. Katryna speaks globally on digital rights, privacy and data innovation.

Between 2020-2022 she served as a Director for the MyData Global Board with a strategic focus is on jurisdictional approaches to personal data rights and business models. In late 2020 Katryna joined Data Sovereignty Now, as Meeco’s representative to advocate for standards and soft infrastructure to enable a more equitable European digital economy.

She was a founding member of The Council of Extended Intelligence (CXI), a joint initiative between the IEEE Standards Association and MIT Media Lab. Has served on two IEEE standards working groups; Co-Chair for the Personal Data and Privacy Committee, part of the Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in the Design of Autonomous Systems, and Chair to scope a standard for a Personal Data Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agent.

Katryna Dow Blog, Twitter

Richard Seline Headshot
Richard Seline Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Resilience Innovation Hub

Richard Seline is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Resilience Innovation Hub – a national eco-system connecting peer organizations, academic and research institutions, insurance and reinsurance companies, entrepreneurs and investors for pre-disaster and risk mitigated resilience. His nearly 40-year career has spanned leadership roles – from a 100-year-old family business to one of the world’s largest medical institutions, from a Presidential Commission at the White House to an international technology-focused economic development consultancy. Richard’s duties often are defined as “other duties as assigned” by serving executives in public-private-philanthropic partnerships, strategic implementation, and the intersection of products, equipment, data science and alternative funding for innovative solutions to perplexing challenges. More on Richard Seline.

Yael Kaufmann
Yael Kaufmann Co-Founder & COO of Learn In

Yael Kaufmann is Co-founder & COO of Learn In. She is an investor turned operator and lifelong learner who believes that learning neither begins nor ends with a degree. Yael began her career as an investor in private equity, and was an impact investor and fintech entrepreneur prior to co-founding Learn In. Yael earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, her BS in Mathematics and Finance from the College of William & Mary, and her passion for education from a decade of teaching and tutoring.

Learn In helps companies establish talent academies that steer all the resources needed for building an always-skilled workforce. HR, Talent and L&D leaders use Learn In to modernize access to learning budgets and world-class programs, and to simplify the delivery of custom programs to employee groups. Learn In’s core features include a tuition benefits manager, a prepaid learning stipend card, a world-class program marketplace and custom program builder, and dedicated coaching. Co-founded by the founders of Degreed, Learn In is backed by leading edtech & future-of-work investors, including Firework Ventures, GSV, Album, Kickstart, and Village Global, and has been covered in CNBC, USA Today, EdTechReview, EdSurge, Fast Company, and Techcrunch.

Stacy Cline
Stacy Cline Senior Director of GoDaddy’s Corporate Sustainability

Stacy Cline is GoDaddy’s Corporate Sustainability Senior Director. In her role she is responsible for driving the strategic direction of GoDaddy’s environment, social and governance (ESG) efforts, social impact programs, and employee engagement. Stacy has more than a decade of experience operationalizing sustainability programs to drive engagement across cultures to create business value.

Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman Chairman & CEO of Barry-Wehmiller

As Chairman and CEO of $3B capital equipment and engineering solutions firm Barry-Wehmiller, Bob Chapman has led the company’s transformation from traditional management practices to what they call Truly Human Leadership — a people-centric approach where Barry-Wehmiller team members feel valued, cared for, and an integral part of the company’s purpose. A sought after speaker for his ideas about the powerful intersection of people-centric leadership and good business strategy, Chapman is intentional about using his platform as a business leader to build a better world. His book, Everybody Matters, which chronicles his journey and leadership philosophy, is a Wall Street Journal bestseller.

For more, go to barrywehmiller.com.

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