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Intro to One-to-one Customer Engagement

"Marketing’s got a bad rap – and it’s easy to see why. For decades, organizations have relied on segments and campaigns to push products without considering what their customers really need. Customers get bombarded with irrelevant and poorly timed messages. Instead of bringing them closer, we drive them further and further away, leaving billions in untapped value on the table.

In this session, Pega will showcase how you can flip the script, by using real-time decisioning to engage every customer one-to-one, anticipating their needs, and delivering value-add experiences with every touch."


Produktbereich: Customer Decision Hub Produktbereich: Marketing Thema: KI and Entscheidungsfindung Thema: Kundeninteraktionen Thema: PegaWorld Thema: Personalisierte Kundenerfahrungen

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