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Pega Sales Automation Demo

Pega Sales Automation is all about what sellers and managers get out of it, not what they put into it. Artificial Intelligence guides reps to the activities that make them most efficient and effective while providing insight into the health of active opportunities.


Hi. This is Adam Field, head of technology innovation at Pega. Today, we're going to take a look at one of the CRM applications from Pega, Pega Sales Automation.

Pega Sales Automation is all about what sellers get out of it, not what they put into it, resulting in sales effectiveness. It's for managers too. Using artificial intelligence, it provides efficiency because it can predict which sellers are going to succeed and which ones need help. Let's take a look.

Here I'm logged in to Pega Sales Automation, running on Pega Cloud, as a manager for U+ Bank. Wherever I see this light bulb, that means artificial intelligence is providing insight to me, like these next-best customer offers, which looks across my entire list of contacts and organizations and identifies offers that have a high likelihood to be accepted. Also, the sales future cast, which looks at data that reps have entered in the system and compares it against what the artificial intelligence predicts will actually close for that quarter.

Now, as a manager, I can import some contacts and organizations into my Pega Sales Automation System. What's really nice, for those organizations moving from salesforce.com to Pega, there's functionality built right into Pega Sales Automation that allows you to seamlessly move your data over with just a few clicks.

Upon importing the data, I now see a new list of next best customer offers against all of those organizations that I just brought into the system. I see here, at the top, an opportunity to offer Kerim a small business loan and because Pega marketing is part of the unified set of CRM application from Pega, its been tightly integrated to Pega Sales Automation.

So right here, as the manager, I can start a local campaign to target prospects like Kerim. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to engage those prospects that might be interested in small business loan to a breakfast so I can meet with them and learn more.

I can see here it identifies which customers might be interested and the template for the email that's going to get send to them. So, now, let's fast forward a few days. The email has been send out. One of my prospects has opened it, followed the call to action and gone to our website, entered some information in and therefore, Pega Sales Automation has been listening to all of that activity and converted a lead to an opportunity and routed it to one of my reps, Remy.

Now, we see here Remy logging in and once again, that artificial intelligence is providing insight to the sales rep. We see here the list of next best actions, which looks across Remy's entire portfolio of business and suggest those things that he should do right now to maximize his chances of making his number for this quarter. At the top of the list, I see an action for an in-person visit for Kerim.

What's great is, Pega Sales Automation isn't just a black box, the artificial intelligence is clear. By rolling over, I can see exactly why that decision was made, to suggest that particular next best action.

What I can also do, because Pega has case management at the core, I can see all of my opportunities broken down by stage and what the rep can also do is see his individual B2C and business B2B opportunities, all within a common view, many other sales automation application struggle with this.

I see here, at the top of my qualification list, that opportunity Kerim's Kafes. So let me go ahead and drill into it. Once again, the artificial intelligence natively built into Pega Sales automation is providing the rep insight. It tells the Rep that he has a 23% likelihood to move to the next stage versus most opportunities at 16% and a 14% likelihood to win this opportunity based on where it sits right now.

But what's really great is, once again, the rep can drill in and the artificial intelligence is completely transparent. What he sees are the data points that the artificial intelligence has determined are the highest predictors for a win probability.

Finally, the rep sees a potential problem. While he's indicated that he believes this opportunity will close in Q1, the artificial intelligence suggest that it's more likely to close in Q3, but it's also suggesting a next best action of an in-person visit. So our sales rep, Remy, is going to follow that call to action.

And because Pega Sales Automation is guiding the rep through all stages of this opportunity, he can go on the road, take his tablet, and have the exact same view into this opportunity that he would have if sitting at his desktop. He's now meeting with his customer in person and he can turn that tablet around and walk through the onboarding process, one on one with his customer, for this particular product.

One of the other strengths of Pega Sales Automation is that it bridges sales and back office operations. We see here that we've gone ahead and integrated with one of Pega's other financial services applications, client lifecycle management, and its kicked off a know your customer or KYC case.

Now, our sales rep can see that this opportunity, currently, has moved forward to the decision stage and the likelihood of moving to the next stage and winning this opportunity has both increased, as he followed the next best action. And now, the artificial intelligence has also predicted that this opportunity will close on time. Our sales rep is well on his way to making his number for this quarter.

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