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Pega webinars

From research and insights to demos and best practices, our webinars deliver the knowledge you need, fast. See what's next or watch one on-demand.

Revolutionize Operations with AI: Building the Autonomous Enterprise of Tomorrow
Video duration: 59:01

Webinar | On-demand

Revolutionize Operations with AI: Building the Autonomous Enterprise of Tomorrow

In this webinar, learn how organizations are leveraging AI to make immediate operational impact and breakthrough results.

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Low-Code et agilité
Video duration: 51:25

Webinar | On-demand

Low-code and Agility (French)

During this webinar, our experts will show how low-code can provide new collaboration, design and deployment tools for IT and business users.

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Shine a Light on Shadow IT
Video duration: 25:54

Webinar | On-demand

Shine a Light on Shadow IT

In this webinar, we’ll share best practices for building an enterprise low-code factory.

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Low Code, High Productivity
Video duration: 35:40

Webinar | On-demand

Low Code, High Productivity

Join us to learn how low code empowers rapid, enterprise-grade app development.

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Build Enterprise Apps Faster and Better, Together
Video duration: 18:47

Webinar | On-demand

Build Enterprise Apps Faster and Better, Together

Join us as we explore how Pega’s low-code platform empowers everyone who touches enterprise apps to work faster, smarter, and more productively in one Agile environment.

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Accelerating from "Closed for COVID-19" to "Safely Reopened"
Video duration: 59:45

Webinar | On-demand

Accelerating from "Closed for COVID-19" to "Safely Reopened"

Learn how to prepare your operations to re-open with technology that can address worker and workplace safety, new protocols, and government regulations.

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Deliver higher quality apps through continuous testing
Video duration: 25:11

Webinar | On-demand

Deliver higher quality apps through continuous testing

As DevOps, agile, and scrum buzz throughout the development and software industries, it can be easy to become confused. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to cut through the noise and launch your own continuous deliverability plan.

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Delivering on the promise of 1:1 customer engagement
Video duration: 1:00:05

Webinar | On-demand

Delivering on the promise of 1:1 customer engagement

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn from Pega, Merkle and Novarica on how to better engage with today’s customer.

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Start, scale, and succeed at RPA: Have your cake and eat it too
Video duration: 32:14

Webinar | On-demand

Start, scale, and succeed at RPA: Have your cake and eat it too

RPA on its own isn’t transformational. It’s just one slice of a larger strategy. Get your tactical RPA to scale, fast, then accelerate to strategic implementation, even faster.

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Expectation vs. reality: Three critical RPA mistakes
Video duration: 25:22

Webinar | On-demand

Expectation vs. reality: Three critical RPA mistakes

Watch our webinar to learn where robotic automation is a good fit, critical questions to ask your RPA vendor, and why you should shift to thinking about intelligent automation.

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Low code in the enterprise: Best practices for success
Video duration: 19:47

Webinar | On-demand

Low code in the enterprise: Best practices for success

Join us as we provide our insights to best practices in low-code development, from organizational setup to ensuring proper governance.

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Low code, real development: Enterprise-grade apps at speed
Video duration: 26:17

Webinar | On-demand

Low code, real development: Enterprise-grade apps at speed

Building systems at scale takes expertise, but it doesn’t have to take forever. Visual, model-driven development has proven to be 12X faster than traditional code. So, how efficiently are you really using your development time?

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Yes, they can: Empower your business to build enterprise app
Video duration: 29:08

Webinar | On-demand

Yes, they can: Empower your business to build enterprise apps

Learn about how low-code builds a common language of success across business and IT.

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Designing A One-to-One, Next Best Action Marketing Program
Video duration: 31:17

Webinar | On-demand

Designing A One-to-One, Next Best Action Marketing Program

In this webinar, learn how leading organizations architect their next-best-action transformation.

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How Real-Time AI Drives Customer Lifetime Value Across Channels
Video duration: 33:17

Webinar | On-demand

How Real-Time AI Drives Customer Lifetime Value Across Channels

Always-connected customer interactions will help you keep your customers today and keep you relevant as market and contextual changes occur in the future.

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The Five Principles of an Always-On Customer Experience
Video duration: 32:05

Webinar | On-demand

The Five Principles of an Always-On Customer Experience

Hear from Pega’s CX experts for The Five Principles of an Always-On Customer Experience to learn how disruptive companies are raising the bar with a real-time approach to optimize interaction.

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The omni-channel breakthrough: Go channel-less
Video duration: 29:46

Webinar | On-demand

The omni-channel breakthrough: Go channel-less

Put your customers first – not your channels. Join us to learn how real-time insight and end-to-end automation can overhaul your current omnichannel approach to help you move from being channel-led to channel-less.

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Demystifying the desktop: What workforce intelligence reveals
Video duration: 20:38

Webinar | On-demand

Demystifying the desktop: What workforce intelligence reveals

Watch this webinar to learn how workforce intelligence data impacts digital transformation.

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Beyond Workforce Optimization: Transformation with Workforce Intelligence
Video duration: 49:21

Webinar | On-demand

Beyond Workforce Optimization: Transformation with workforce intelligence

Understanding people, process, and tech data is the foundation for digital transformation. However, it’s difficult knowing where to begin in gathering data and putting it into practice. Workforce optimization can get you partway to transformation, but what would happen if you added the power of AI-enabled analytics?

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AI for Customer Engagement 101: Where to Get Started
Video duration: 24:22

Webinar | On-demand

AI for Customer Engagement 101: Where to Get Started

Join Don Schuerman, CTO and Vice President and Product Marketing, and Dr. Rob Walker, Vice President of Decision Management & Analytics, as they discuss how you can use AI to interact, serve, and market to customers.

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