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Build for Change | 03:41

Build for Change: Unified Platform

Most of us have experienced the “Frankenstack” at some point — a clunky and inefficient software platform that's been stitched together over time using disparate technologies. It offers zero cohesion and interoperability, and it's costly and inefficient to operate.

You can't deliver superior customer engagement and operational excellence on a platform like that. Your enterprise applications must be built on a unified platform.

Pega’s unified platform delivers:

  • Stellar UX to engage users across multiple channels
  • Data models that integrate to your existing systems
  • Business rules and AI that make the right decisions
  • End-to-end automation that combines case management, business process management, and robotics

Learn how Pega's unified CRM platform can revolutionize your customer experiences using end-to-end automation, real-time AI, case management, BPM and omni-channel UX. Watch the video to learn more.


It's easier to deliver superior customer engagement and operation excellence when your enterprise applications are built on a unified platform. Imagine you're designing an enterprise App. You'll need stellar UX to engage users across countless and continuously emerging channels. Data models that integrate to your existing systems. Business rules, and artificial intelligence to make the right decisions. And end to end automation that combines case management, BPM, and robotics.

You'll need to do all this with the flexibility to keep up with unpredictable business needs, even if that means moving between public, private, and hybrid Cloud architectures. Unfortunately, most enterprise software platforms are Franken-Stacks, stitched together from bits and pieces of acquired technology.

Cloud platforms can hide dispirit technologies behind a common portal and branding. But their fragmented nature becomes apparent when you invest time and money to somehow make these incompatible pieces talk to each other. You end up buying or creating additional tools for developing. Testing and administrating these dispirit pieces. And then, when you need to make a change, you still must manually propagate it across these disconnected pieces.

And that's not all. Franken-Stacks are brittle, and destroy agility and hamper IT efficiency as one change can break the whole architecture. Communication between dispirit pieces creates performance bottlenecks. And they lock you in the Cloud infrastructure and deployment models that become sub optimal.

Applications like marketing, sales, and customer service built on Franken-Stacks end up being disjoined, preventing you from delivering the end to end seamless experiences your customers and employees demand. Pega builds our applications for marketing, sales, customer service, and business operations, on our unified Pega platform, which delivers industry leading case management, BPM, robotic automation, AI, and decisioning. Mobile and omnichannel UX in a single engine.

You make changes, and design new capabilities in Pega without coding, using our unified visual designer studio. As a result, Pega is faster to deploy, and faster to change, reducing development costs by 75%, according to Forester research.

Pega's unified model delivers superior customer experience and operational efficiency, by connecting across system and organizational silo's. For example, using Pega, Cisco Systems reduced servicing costs by a factor of four, and eliminated two million hours of customer wait time.

Finally, Pega's unified model empowers your business for the future. New capabilities become instantly available to your applications. And Pega's unified engine is portable across Clouds. From our fully managed Pega Cloud, to private Clouds you manage on your own infrastructure.

Free your applications from the Franken-Stack, and the Franken Cloud. Pega's unified Cloud ready architecture lets you create end to end experiences that change with your business demand, while future proofing your investments.

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