Dans nos vidéos de démo, découvrez comment les produits Pega génèrent des résultats commerciaux décisifs.
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Video duration: 01:46
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Boost productivity and creativity across your full customer journey Pega GenAI™.
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Boost productivity and creativity across your full customer journey Pega GenAI™.
IA et prise de décision
Video duration: 02:09
Experience how Pega Knowledge Management increases self-service deflection and empowers customers to solve their own problems in their own time.
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Experience how Pega Knowledge Management increases self-service deflection and empowers customers to solve their own problems in their own time.
Service client
Video duration: 01:45
With Pega Always-On Insights, you connect your customer data platforms and other signal providers directly to the Pega Customer Decision Hub™. Learn more.
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With Pega Always-On Insights, you connect your customer data platforms and other signal providers directly to the Pega Customer Decision Hub™. Learn more.
Pega’s case management centers on the case to deliver end-to-end visibility, automation, and work management. Build a workflow based on the exact work that needs to get done and complete tasks efficiently, effectively, and with full visibility.
Nouvelle capacité d’IA générative inclue avec Infinity 24.1, Pega GenAI™ Knowledge Buddy apporte des réponses rapides aux questions des clients, agents des centres d’appels et utilisateurs du back-office, à partir de la base de connaissances de l’entreprise.
Achieve true agility with Pega’s Situational Layer Cake. With businesses constantly changing, see how easy it can be to continuously adapt to what’s different and new without affecting the existing layers.
VIDEO: Pega Customer Service For Healthcare offre une plate-forme unifiée pour personnaliser les échanges avec les clients, éliminer les barrières entre canaux et automatiser les processus. Les fonctions omnicanal intégrées de la solution vous permettent de mobiliser les clients via les applications mobiles, les réseaux sociaux, le chat, la co-navigation, le libre-service sur le Web ou l'appel téléphonique. Les outils préinstallés font de tout agent un expert des services de santé.
Pega Email Bot revolutionizes email, making the handling process easier and faster than ever before. Save time, cut costs, and drive timely and personalized experiences across email and all other channels.
With Pega Always-On Insights, you connect your customer data platforms and other signal providers directly to the Pega Customer Decision Hub™. Learn more.